Dance and Theatre Academy
This is the main building which houses;

(1) A Dance School of 3860 sq.ft. With mirrored wall and wooden sprung flooring.

(2) A professionally equipped elevated stage
of 564 sq. ft. with full height stagec urtains, suspended backdrop and lighting provisions.

(3) A professional audio/visual system.

(4) The Dance School area can be converted into an open auditorium seating 300

(5) Performers changing rooms, student and public toilets etc.

Cafeteria and Gift Shop
This was built in 2010 to provide students and visitors alike with drinks and refreshments
at affordable prices. ADTF branded and other gift items are available for sale.
Administration Office
The original bungalow on site has been completely renovated and expanded to provide the ADTF Administrative Offices, a costume and props store, guest and management residential accommodation.
Staff Accommodation.
A brand new bungalow was constructed in 2011 to provide accommodation for up to eight staff members in four sharing bedrooms, separate male and female bathrooms, a common recreational room incorporating a dinning area and fully equipped kitchen.

The original site has now been expanded by the purchase of several adjoining plots of land and now covers an area of approximately two and a half acres.
